Monday, July 24, 2017

It's A Me

Well, I thought I was back but have been tied up in so many sideline activities over the past year, I pretty much ignored much of my life on web. One of my earliest and longest clients passed away suddenly last July. At this point in my life, I consider myself semi-retired from the web design business and have not been actively marketing my services. I do have a few recurring clients whom I support and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Any way, I do want to share this valuable info regarding "Prevention of Tech Fraud".  This problem doesn't seem to go away; in fact, it seems to be getting worse. I've personally encountered this problem after having upgraded to Windows 10 on both desktop and laptops. Legitimate computer companies NEVER contact computer users via pop-up screens or telephone calls. "Any communication we have with you must be initiated by you," says Courtney Gregoire, assistant general counsel in Microsoft'd Digital Crimes Unit. If you get a pop-up warning:

1. NEVER CALL the toll-free phone number provided.

2. DO NOT CLICK anywhere in the pop-up window.

3. CLOSE THE BROWSER from the task bar or the task manager.

4. REBOOT YOUR COMPUTER by turning it off and back on.

5. IF ALL ELSE FAILS, take the computer to an authorized computer store.    Source: AARP.ORG

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